We don't feed our bunnies pellets on the advice of their vet. My friend Melisa's bunny used to eat paper all the time. From what I've read it's actually normal rabbit behavior called "Shredding. Rabbits who like to shred need to have paper products aplenty.
An urban Yellow Pages is one of the best shredding choices. Unless your rabbit eats a great deal of the paper, shredding itself is not harmful, except to your house and possessions. You can give him the Yellow Pages on their own, or in a box or basket, with other shreddable items.
Like many other rabbit activities, unfortunately shredding is not particularly neat, so keeping the shreddables in a box may keep your home a bit neater.
A whisk broom, or full size broom made of straw, not plastic also provides a fun shredding toy. Best answer: I used to have a lop and he ate and shredded paper all the time. In my experience, it's a sign of boredom. Make sure he gets enough time outside the cage also, is the cage big enough? My bunnies eat paper and I don't worry about it. For them it's fibre. They currently have made a little house out of a furniture box in my room and enjoy nothing more than chewing on the cardboard in order to make it just right.
One is almost 10 years old, so if paper eating was going to hurt her, I think it would have happened by now. Just make sure the little fella gets a lot of timothy hay, that is what really helps keep their digestive system on track. Hopefully, this guide added to your knowledge that paper should only be provided for your pets to chew or as a snack.
Oh no! Please read here can rabbit play dead A boring life for a rabbit means a destructive life. One example is paper. To know more, continuously scroll down. Table Of Contents show.
Quick Facts About Rabbits. Intestinal blockage. Alternative materials for hutches. Provide enough foods. Introduce another rabbit. Why Do Rabbits Eat Paper? Can rabbits eat papers with ink? Can rabbits eat paper bags? Can rabbits eat toilet paper? Can bunnies eat paper towels? Which is safer? Rabbits often eat their bedding, so it cannot be toxic. Shredded paper, Aspen shreds, specialist litter or pellets, and hay are all safe options.
Do indoor rabbits need bedding? The answer is yes, indoor bedding serves to help rabbits feel comfortable and at home. Not only that, but some similar materials can serve as litter for a bunny.
A good bedding will also aid in absorbing stray odors and liquids daily. There are no benefits to eating it, and plenty of hidden health risks. This is a good base to line the floor of the hutch or cage with. However, many rabbits, especially if bored, will rip it up and the ink on newspaper can be harmful to rabbits if they ingest too much of it.
Paper, like cardboard, has low nutritional value. Cardboard boxes also make great toys. Cardboard boxes with holes cut in them make hiding places, which rabbits need to feel safe in their environment. Put a few toys or playful objects in his cage at a time, and rotate them out on a regular basis—this will prevent him from getting bored with the same toys.
Rabbits should not eat newspaper.