The converter is only offered for convenience. At the time of purchase, the exchange rate will be calculated according to the local quotation. This section of our website contains images of restricted products, please confirm your age to continue. Casillero del Diablo.
Domaine de La Baume. Elizabeth Arden. Famille Perrin. Ice Breakers. Jack Daniel's. Narciso Rodriguez. Paco Rabanne. Ralph Lauren. Santa Teresa. The Singleton of Dufftown. The Singleton of Glendullan. Wayne Gretzky. Yun Yan. Home Nxt. Marlboro - Nxt pcs. We are continuously adding stores, so make sure to check back if your store of choice is currently not active.
The nonmenthol option has a smooth tobacco flavor--one pinch of the filter changes the cigarette to have a unique, bold menthol taste. Yes, I confirm that I am 21 years of age or older. Your in-flight order may only be delivered to one individual. A separate order must be placed for additional customers. Philip Morris launched the Marlboro brand in as a women's cigarette, based on the slogan "Mild As May". The name was taken from a street in London where PM's British factory was located.
In the s, advertising for the cigarette was primarily based on how ladylike the filter cigarette was, in an attempt to appeal to the mass market. To this end, the filter had a printed red band around it to hide lipstick stains, calling it "Beauty Tips to Keep the Paper from Your Lips". Account Login Register Wish list 0. Airline Flight Louis St.