Your health care provider may have ordered a complete blood count, which includes an MCV test, as part of your regular checkup or if you have symptoms of a blood disorder. These symptoms include:. During the test, a health care professional will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm, using a small needle. After the needle is inserted, a small amount of blood will be collected into a test tube or vial. You may feel a little sting when the needle goes in or out.
This usually takes less than five minutes. You don't need any special preparations for an MCV blood test. If your health care provider has ordered more tests on your blood sample, you may need to fast not eat or drink for several hours before the test. Your health care provider will let you know if there are any special instructions to follow. There is very little risk to having a blood test. You may have slight pain or bruising at the spot where the needle was put in, but most symptoms go away quickly.
If your MCV levels are not in the normal range, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have a medical problem needing treatment. MCV indicates the average red blood cell size and volume. Doctors use these measurements when diagnosing specific types of anemia, as well as other health conditions.
Learn more about MCH levels in blood tests here. During an MCV blood test, a doctor draws blood from a vein to collect a sample. While the doctor is taking the blood sample, a person may feel a little pain and a stinging sensation. Drawing blood carries few risks. However, everyone is different, and sometimes blood collection is more straightforward in some people than in others.
These symptoms indicate conditions that affect the size of red blood cells, making them smaller or larger than usual. When red blood cells are smaller than expected, a person likely has microcytic anemia.
If they are larger, a person may have macrocytic anemia. A typical adult MCV level is 80— femtoliters fl. Specific levels for different ages and sexes include:. MCV results may differ among labs, so people should not worry if their reading is slightly above or below these ranges. When a person has an MCV level below 80 fl , this suggests they have microcytic anemia.
Microcytic anemia is a type of anemia in which red blood cells are smaller than usual. Iron deficiency causes microcytic anemia. A person usually develops an iron deficiency due to an underlying health condition or factors such as diet and medications. Thalassemia is a condition where the body does not make enough normal hemoglobin. It is a genetic condition that a person inherits from their parents.
Select basic ads. Create a personalised ads profile. Select personalised ads. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. If you are looking at your red blood cell count on a complete blood count CBC , you may see a number of different initials included along with the total count.
Let's take a look at the information contained in your CBC , including your red blood cell count, and then discuss the meaning and importance of each of these indices.
The complete blood count CBC is a blood test ordered by your healthcare provider to evaluate the composition and quality of the blood cells in your body. These blood cells include:. The red blood cell count RBC is the number of red blood cells that are found in your blood. It is measured in millions of cells per microliter mcL. A low red blood cell count is referred to as anemia.
There are many different causes of anemia, of which iron deficiency is only one. Red blood cell indices are very helpful in distinguishing these different causes. An elevated red blood cell count is called erythrocytosis or polycythemia. Causes may include:. While looking at the total RBC count can tell you if your number of red blood cells is low, normal, or high, it doesn't tell you why the count is abnormal. Hence the need for further evaluation of these cells.
Even if the RBC count is normal, looking at the RBC indices can sometimes give important clues in diagnosing medical conditions. Along with the total RBC count, the RBC indices provide information about the size and quality of your red blood cells. This can be used to diagnose the cause and severity of anemia and provide vital clues about other health conditions you may have. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration MCHC is the average concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Hemoglobin is the iron-carrying protein in red blood cells whose function it is to carry oxygen. It is also the element that gives red blood cells their color. Any alternation in concentration can cause the cells to appear more or less red. The MCHC basically tells you whether a person's red blood cells have more or less hemoglobin than what would be expected. A normal range for MCHC is between 32 and 36 grams per deciliter in adults. When the MCHC is high, the red cells are referred to as being hyperchromic.
When the MCHC is low, the cells are referred to as being hypochromic. Possible causes include iron deficiency anemia. Whether hyperchromic or hypochromic, treatment is primarily focused on treating the underlying condition. Iron supplementation and the increased dietary of intake of iron can help treat iron deficiency anemia, but an iron supplement is not recommended for people who are not iron deficient excess iron can be stored in the liver and heart.
Mean corpuscular volume MCV measures the average red blood cell volume, meaning the actual size of the cells themselves. Following are some of the most common causes of high MCV —. If the MCV levels are elevated seriously at femtoliters per cell is generally caused due to vitamin B12 deficiency. A study found that people having kidney diseases and having high MCV were twice as likely to die and over 3. Low MCV values are a result of the following conditions:.
Generally, people having the lowest MCV levels like 70 f emtoliters per cell are due to lack of iron or thalassemia. Low MCV levels are causes by iron deficiency in the blood.
Taking iron-rich foods can help to improve your MCV levels. Following are some other ways to boost the MCV levels —. On the other hand, high MCV values are most commonly a consequence of vitamin b deficiency. This condition can be normalized by taking vitamin b rich foods.
Providers Locations. The MCV test can be done in any of the following locations across the U. To know the MCV test cost, refer to the first section of the article. Frequently Asked Questions. Will insurance cover my testing cost? No, insurance will not be covered in the billing. However, they will provide you a receipt for insurance reimbursement purposes.
How should I book my appointment? You can choose the most suitable provider from above and make an appointment by following the instructions mentioned by them. Can I cancel my lab test order? Yes, you can cancel your lab test order anytime before your testing.